How to create a packaging


the look and like Tipps MAX

A packaging says more than a thousand words. Make sure it tells the right things. We give tips on how to develop a convincing packaging.

1. Packaging is an advertising medium – invest in it!

While packaging is a necessary means to protect your product, don’t forget it is also a valuable tool to promote your brand. The product and packaging go hand in hand. Studies showed that packaging can keep up with TV and print when it comes to its advertising value as we get in touch more often with packaging than with any other media. Thus, it is definitely worth to have a good amount of the marketing budget invested in your packaging and make it stand out. Create a powerful look and consider that packaging and product need to go hand in hand.

2. Involve the context

Needless to say, when it comes to packaging development, it is not just about the packaging. Obviously, you have to take into account the context. What is your target group, what price structure do you follow? As your strategy has to show in the packaging, you have to choose wisely with what kind of materials and finishings you are working with.

Moreover, a packaging is not a stand-alone. It is placed in an environment and it interacts with what it is surrounded with. Make sure your spatial context is just as representable as your product and make sure it supports your packaging impact. The shop and shelf environment does do a lot on how your brand is being perceived. Tip: Check out brands that do a good job already and try to build a visual brand story yourself. See good examples here.

3. Be true to your brand

Always remember, your package is a communication tool. It is the face and the voice of your brand and it is not enough to make it look and function well. It has to deliver a good story, namely your brand story. Keep your values in mind and think about how you can communicate them in an original and credible way?