Goetterspeise Nov12 0615 ShuffleHeader

A sight for sore eyes and a true packaging paradise! If you are in need for extraordinary gifting ideas for Mother’s Day or other spontaneous festivities, make your way to this pretty place.

Don’t hustle yourself searching for the perfect gift. It may just be around the corner, in a sweet little spot in the Glockenbachviertel of Munich named Götterspeise. Within 30 square metre you’ll find everything from chocolate to tea to Champagne, from different uniquely packaged brands or the private Götterspeise label. A must go to collect fancy pressies for Mother’s Day and other celebrations.

Fotoarchiv 3173 MAX

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Goetterspeise Nov12 0597 MAX

Goettersepeise Tafelset Vollmilch Zartbitter DOUBLE
Goetterspeise Espresso roestung1 Bohnen250g DOUBLE