A post about a europalette sofa is nothing revolutionary anymore, yet, this baby was build with our very own hands - in this case with Sandra's skilfull touch, while I was literally giving constructive advice. Eversince our 'product launch', the sofa is being smiled at, even from the outside of our four walls and without any special staging. This is the reason why we decided to publish a little tutorial for you guys. Read and learn.

1. The utensils:
- 2 Europallets (from Quoka, ebay, Amazon, ...)
- 6 wheels
- 12 Metal bands
- 40 screws à 3.5 x 40mm (from the warehouse of your trust)

2. The bolt up
Make one out of two: The two euro pallets are linked together with the metal bands using an electric drill
3. On wheels
After that, the wheels are attached to the bottom of the pallets.

4. Paint
Last, but not least, the pallets can be spraypainted and once dry decorated with a mattress and coloured pillows.
Et voilà, you are standing in front of the sofa of your dreams.