ShuffleHeader Amala Beauty copy


Wind it, and cork it!

Obviously, there is this trend: More and more companies create their packaging with a ‘handmade character’ implying to show a concern for the environment. In my opinion, however, eco has to come with a certain ‘chic’ to be well received.

Recently, I was strolling through the Ludwig Beck beauty department as this cork leapt right into my eye … figuratively speaking of course. No one got hurt, on the contrary: The cork which functioned as a lid, belonged to Amala’s skincare line whose  packaging was quite pleasing to look at. Endowed with a handmade style, it is puristic and precious at the same time and, moreover, it seems to incorporate a sense of nature.


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Having a closer look at the brand confirmed the fact that Amala values the environment. If possible, their packaging consists of eco-friendly materials only. In fact, they support and collaborate with like-minded printers who use organic ink and paper suppliers who use wind power and 100% recycled paper.

The result looks like this:The hydrating hand cream comes in a tube that is placed in a wounded carton sleeve which is sealed with the (famous) cork. The packaging got a simple and natural design that matches the core concept of the brand. The front side merely pictures the vague contours of the jasmine plant and a few words about the product itself. Nothing more as nothing else is needed.


Aricle Amala Brand Book DE 42 VERTICAL
Article Amala Brand Book DE 48 VERTICAL





PACKAGING & MATERIAL: Tube and winding core with cork seal

RINTING METHOD & FINISHING: Use of organic ink, offset ptint (winding core),  soft touch feel (tube)

LAYOUT: Simple and natural, only an abstract silhouette of a jasmin flower